I have new neighbors and they have 3 dogs …….I was outside chilling when the neighbors dog came up to me so I pick him up I must admit he's too cute but I look him in the face and told him he don't live with me ….he tilt his head to the side like he didn't understand needless to say when I put him down he went over and start eating my dog food …...and playing with my pits …..now I looking at my pits I have 4 by the way …...that look vicious but welcome the 3 dogs to the family like they pay rent

I have a stool outside I was kind of leaning again the stool when one of the neighbors dog hop up and start chilling with me …..I scoot him off the stool but he just hop back up so finally I was like fine he tend to be content just chilling with me. Well later on that day I sent the hubby to the store to get me some ice cream he brought back fat free what was he trying to say ….. and strawberry at that ...nothing against strawberry but I'm a chocolate chick and he's know that I start eating the ice cream anyway cause I'm greedy and I hear this lil dog whining at my feet I pick him up.... he's so cute and let him have some of the ice cream ….but I think im going to keep him ….is that wrong …….he stay in my yard and they get along with my pits so I should keep them right Ill give them visiting rights ……..so what should I name him ….hell if you cant beat him then join him
lets talk about my outfit and hair:
the outfit from Adorsy its the Tatjana hoodie with bra now I brought it in pink it has a hud for the bra so u change the color of the bra ….this hoodie cost 299L
The tatjana shorts cost the same it brought them in the same color also so I paid about 600L for the whole outfit …..now I went to FastMeshed and brought this outfit but im sure I can buy this outfit at the adorsy store …..now my hair is from truth call Elixir the cost is 300L ...I brought it in black and it comes with a hud and it also let you reasize it ….I had to resize the one I have on but a cute bun
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