Friday, January 24, 2020

Reading is really fundamental


My neighbor dog had been over my house … I thought since you like to hang out you gonna listen to this book I was reading.....thinking your gonna be the smartest dog in the neighborhood cause you gonna be up on the game of other I was reading to the dog he look interested or maybe he thought I had treats on me ….then he wanted to play ….but I wasn't moving from this book …...see my passion for books started early … started with the golden books ( do you remember those books)  …..then as a teen I read Judy Bloom and C.V. Andrew then I think my first urban book was The Coldest Winter Ever by Sister Souljah….  the first book that I felt like I could related too....….we either know a Winter or was Winter.. side conversation ….How many of us read on the toilet while we drop off those soldier off (use  the toilet for those who don't know the saying)  listen to the book on the way to work or home,  read or listen to the book in the dr. office  or on break at work  or where ever you can read or listen to your book well that me ……That's was when my love for urban book came about …...Start reading Mary Monroe with Mama Ruby crazy ass to Mary Morrison and Daruis cheating ways  ….to Kimberla Lawson Roby and Curtis Black the ho ass Preacher ….and Eric Jermony Dickey book Drive me Crazy the adventure of wolf …and Carl Weber of course Married Men the men prospective of being married  … I read all kinds of urban author ….Brick & Storm, Denesha Diamond, K'wan,  and Ashley & Jaquavis just to name a few …… their are so many other authors I read or listen too.....I happen to stumble across them ….but what if we had our own facebook book club … I got on Facebook and create a group what should I call it Brit's Book Club naw ….Brat's Like to read too .maybe …...Cupid's Love for Books ….yeah I like that so I develop a group call Cupid's Love of Books come on and join it at /

already blog this outfit in the last blog

Monday, January 20, 2020

Loud and Wrong


I was driving home from work and thought I spotted my mans car ..…..well his ex girlfriend house is on the route to my job so I ride pass it every day ….this particular day I was on my way home .....I thought I  saw this car that look like my I will say he's car have never been over her house before but its always a first plus my husband just got a new car so i wasn't sure..... so I rode pass real slow to see if I can spot anything in the car that look like my mans  .....dam it look just like it ….I parked across the street and call his phone ….call him several times ….he wouldn't answer then I saw someone  peek out of her window ….so I call his phone again when my call when to voice mail I was pissed … out of the car and started call his name …..Manno bring your ass out of here …...they just close the window of course im convince that his ass is in the house … I yell at the window  to him to come out or I was gonna fuck up his new ride …..he thought I was playing ….now why would he thing I was playing this the same chick that he had to take my guns away and hide them ….thinking he better be glad I don't have my gun ….but I got something for that ass..... I first reach over to my glove compartment and got my knife....first I cut his tires then keyed his car with that same knife then I look throught my trunk and found my trusty bat...….oh you going to ignore me ….... ignore this bitch ass as I climb up on the car and I went to work on this car I hit this car till I was tired …….hop in the car and headed home …….once I got home I was confused his car was in the drive way …its no way he could have made it home before me ...fuck he gonna kill me ….I didn't even look at the car thinking we gonna have it out once and for all after I burn his clothes hes getting the fuck out  … in the house …. the aroma of the house smell good ….my stomach start growling immediately …..he had cook dinner and chilling on the couch reading the new paper...… Came in with a bit of an attude  drop my keys on the table I  asked babe how long have you been home ….he said about 2 hours now what ...I grunted …..why you not answering your phone …….he said he had been having problems with his phone she he drop his phone of at Sprint he has to go pick it up later …..thinking its no way he could have cook dinner and been over her house at the same time …..I feel bad thinking later on Im gonna suck the soul out of his wait …did I say that out laugh...nevermind you know what I mean tho  ….I didn't trust in his love for me ....didn't trust that their are some faithful men out there  ....I was feeling guilty  … I kiss those sexy lips … was I going to tell him what I done .....Hell no ....what I'm gonna do is trust my man

 Lets talk about the outfit ……I got the outfit from Tres-Chic Fair Rosary Sami PInk  200L 
also my hair from Emotion hair for 99L in black I didn't care for the hair base but the hairpiece is nice but its super cheap and you cant beat that  

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Heart break


Lately I have symptoms thought it was the flu ….oh great …..I need to get sick like a hole in my head......after two week of still feeling bad ...keep vomiting ….and was tired as hell for no dam reason …..and my  breast was tender as hell …..Well  I was on the phone with my best friend Holo so I invited her over …..we decided to just  hang out …..the first thang she said when she came in the house is you look thicker ...rolling my eyes ….she said  no your ass look bigger …….omg Holo stop being dramatic I was thinking I was about to tell her just that  when I found myself running to the bathroom …...Holo dramatic ass start fussing about me inviting her over and Im sick and she didn't want to get my germs and blaaaa blaaa blaaaa…..calm down girl I just ate something that was bad …...after the 3rd time making a bathroom run Holo just left so I went to lay down ….when I hear my door chime I thought it was the hubby coming in …….Holo threw a paper bag on my bed and said take this bitch …..grab the bag thinking its something to settle my stomach its a pregnancy test really bitch a pregnancy test...….she standing there with a big ass grin on her face ….I frown …..all the things you  could have brought me ….I need ginger ale, and crackers not a pregnancy test ….she look at me like I was crazy ...Brit your pregnant ...I'm not I said ...after going back and forth with her I finally said i'll take the test to shut you up ……..when I sat on the toilet and pee on the stick I sat it on the counter Holo went into the bathroom and let out a scream......jumping up and down screaming I told you that your pregnant in a sing song way ….I jump up and grab the test out of her hand ….it cant be ….this test has to be wrong so I went to the nearest Walmart and purchase 3 more boxes.....took all three boxes each test came out positive …..I sat down on the bed …what am I gonna do …..I don't want kids, I not ready for a kid, can I afford a baby ….how's my husband gonna react.....are some of the question that ran through my mind …..omg I'm going to be a mother ….feeling scared....the next day I call my doctor and made appt for the next day …..went in and she confirm I was pregnant even let me listen to heartbeat......and she put some gel on my stomach and a saw this lil bean tears that's my baby that when it got real for me ….. my heart fell in love right at the moment …..she printed out a picture gave me a prescription for prenatal vitamins  ….so on the way home my mind was all over the place thinking ...I'm gonna get fat,  excited that I can eat anything  I want right now, is it gonna be a girl or boy …..will she look like me  or will she have my eyes ...will my son has my hubby lips ...I love those lips ….will it be a combination of both of us ….what color should I make the nursery ….I mean my mind was all over the place....when I got home I was gonna make a romantic dinner so I can break the news to the hubby but first I'm going to need to take a nap...……..I woke up to cramps …..and wetness between my legs I hop up and ran to the bathroom I was bleeding hard …..omg I went to the emergency room  praying hard the whole time …. lord don't let me lose this baby and asking forgiveness for my negative thoughts about this child and found out I miscarriage then they had to do this procedure call a DNC …..I came home in tears feeling depressed …..feeling like a failure I lost the very thing I thought I never wanted and crushed about it  …...after staying in bed for 3 days straight …...I finally drag myself out of bed and wash my ass

 Lets talk about my outfit
I got my outfit at the Tres Chic Fair...…..
LSR-Sexy Shazzy Wool Dress (Pink)  249 L 
LSR-Shoes-Elish Boots for 169L come with a color hud so you match it with any outfit

Hair: Little Bones-Bliss

I told myself things happen for the best ….now I'm still sad but I'm trying to stay positive ….there will be a next time I hope

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...