Saturday, December 21, 2024

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"


I was on my way to brunch with my girls at this fancy little restaurant when my car start acting up .....I pulled over and turn my car off ......I tried to crank it back up and it would do anything .....I realize I was about 2 blocks from the subway ....thinking dam I just took my sneakers in the house ....I called my husband but went to voicemail ....thinking fuck it ....took some cash and suck it in my bra.....grab my phone and headed to the subway I reach the subway the hubby call me back ....told him my car broke down and was about to take the subway he said ok be safe love you and hung up .....I think he thought about what I said and face time me ......he looks at me and said u look nice ask where I was going and then he told to stay right there......I took him if I jumped on the L to North Ave, it would put me off about three blocks from Ervin St. 

 He said ok just wait till I call u back about 5 mins .....Next think I know he was pulling up ...told me to get in the car....on the way to my lunch.... I roll my eyes and tried not to smile .....I ask him about his meeting he had schedule all day ..... He told me he reschedules them ....he smirk I can't have anybody trying to harm my baby ....You are looking good in that dress we arrived to my destination, he kissed me and smack my ass as I got out the car......I smile and thought he don't play about me. 

Spotlight Items:
YoUnique Couture
YoUnique - Shorly Plain Dress 
this come with dress
this fit Bombshell, Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn and Waifus
 This has a hud of 20 different texture for the dress
Im wearing this in burgundy 
You can pick by clicking the link to the  Shank Event

You can pick this up at the main store at a later date 

 Head: Lelutka Evo Halle 4.0
Body: Legacy 1.7
Hair-Doux-Elizah Hairstyle
Shoes: KC-Yana Heels
Accessories:  Avada- Genevieve Earrings, Earthstone Lovely Doves Necklace and *RE* Adored Bracelet 

P.S. By the way just in case you was wondering ...I ran out of gas hubby fill my tank and fuss at me later that night.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"


I remember looking at the weather ...they didn't predict snow....but as I look down from my balcony I see snow......something about that first snow.....the wonder of it ......I went outside and felt the coldness in my hand ......just as I felt the snow I got an idea......I made a bunch of snowballs then call the hubby out to see the snow ....wink 

Spotlight Item
Black Angel Stores
Diahna Outfit 
this comes with a dress and boots 
This fit Erika, Maitreya, Legacy, and Reborn
This comes with a hud for the upper dress, lower dress, belt and boots of 30 different textures
I am wearing the dress and boots in a beige and the belt in brown 
You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link @ Black Angel Stores 
 also to do some online shopping click the link to the marketplace MP Link To Diahna Outfit

Head: Lelutka Evo Halle Head 4.0
Body: Legacy 1.7
Hair: WSG Julie
Shoes: comes with the outfit 
Accessories:  Avada-Genevieve Earrings and  
 initiall-dia (B) Platinum necklace

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

 Mrs. Santa

I was laying in bed when I heard Santa say he wasn't feeling good ....sucking my teeth I rolled over when I felt on of the elves pull the bottom of my blanket......whispering Santa sick Mrs. Santa.....sighing what's wrong with him .....he explained that Santa ate to many cookies and his stomach hurt .... you have to deliver the toys .....groaning cause I didn't feel like getting out of bed

......rolling out of bed I went into my closet and found the perfect Santa outfit I got from Black Angel ......I heard on of the elves say owwww Santa not going to like your outfit rolling my eyes .....I smirk telling him to tell him to deliver the toys himself .....knowing that wasn't going to happen I got the reindeers ready for the journey to get these toys delivered.

Spotlight Item
Black Angel Stores
Lumi Xmas Red Outfit 
this comes with a top, shorts, boots, hat, bows the pants and fur the shoulder
This fit Gen X, Maitreya, Peach,Legacy, Star and Reborn
This doesnt come with a hud but u can also get this same outfit in blue and green 
Of course I got it in red
You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link @ Black Angel Store 
 also to do some online shopping click the link to Marketplace @ Black Angel Store

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"


Have you ever went to work and everyone and everything is going wrong......I'm having one of those days ....My boss getting on my nerves ...the project I'm working on not going my way of my co-workers lazy ass getting on my nerves was break time .....I need a drink but i was at work so  coffee will do......One sip was like heaven .....omg I needed that drink bad .....It seem like this coffee hit the spot and I was able to get myself together ....The magic of coffee. 

Spotlight Items:

YoUnique Couture

YoUnique - Klarea Outfit

this come with sweater and dress

this fit Gen X, Juicy, Maitreya, Legacy, and Reborn

 This has a hud of 20 different textures for the sweater and dress

I'm wearing this in Lavendar

You can pick at the Swank Event

You can pick this up at the main store YoUnique Couture

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"


It was Friday .....Casual Friday but I had a business meeting, but I didn't want to wear a suit ....I pick up this cute little outfit at Black Angel .......It came with shoes and purse included .......I felt sexy to my business meeting the way the meeting went well we got the contract, and they like my outfit ........

Spotlight Item
Black Angel Stores
Luzzy Outfit 
this comes with a blouse and skirt combine, with the purse and shoes
This fit Gen X, Maitreya, Legacy, Perky, and Reborn
This come with a hud of 30 different textures for the blouse, border, skirt, heels and handbags 
Im wearing this in a beige and pink 
You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link @ Black Angel Store

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"


Spotlight Items:

YoUnique Couture

YoUnique - Carmon Outfit

this come with sweater and pants 

this fit Juicy Rolls, Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn, and Waifu

 This has a hud of 20 different texture for the sweater and pants 

I'm wearing this in a grey 

You can pick at the  Swank Event

You can pick this up at the main store YoUnique Couture

Friday, September 27, 2024

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"


Spotlight Items:

YoUnique Couture

YoUnique - Mikku Outfit

this come with top, jeans and jacket

this fit Maitreya, Legacy, Reborn, and Waifu 

 This has a hud of 20 different texture for each item

You can pick at the Swank Event Swank Event

You can pick this up at the main store YoUnique Couture

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"


Dress with sleeves 

My husband went out of town we was gone about 3 weeks .....I went and got this sexy dress because I was waiting for him to come home and take it off me ......The day he was due to come home I was tired as hell .......when I heard him putting the keys in the door when poses by the piano ....he took forever to bring his bags in ...then he went into the kitchen I was tired so I decided to lay across the bed ....when he finally came in the room I was knock out ......he kiss me on the forehead....later that early morning he finally took that dress off me 

Spotlight Items:
YoUnique Couture
YoUnique - Thalisa Dress 
this come with dress and Islaa sleeves
this fit Lara, Legacy, Reborn and Waifu
 This has a hud of 20 different texture for this dress  also their is 3 colors for the sleeves (black, white and gray)
You can pick this up at the main store YoUnique Couture

 Head: Lelutka Evo Halle 4.0
Body: Legacy 1.6
Hair: S/E "Kali" Hairstyle 
Shoes: Janise Heel 
Accessories:  Avada- Genevieve Earrings 

Dress without sleeves

Thursday, August 1, 2024



The Graffiti Print Dress

Me and the hubby was on vacation after putting the husband asleep .....I tried to sleep but couldn't I think it was the excitement of being on vacation .......I got up took a shower and grab an outfit I got from YoUnique Couture .......I decided to get up and watch the sunrise .....looking out the pier I happen to see an spot an orca whale ......this would have been romantic if  I had the hubby with me .....after a while I started getting bored ...the sun wouldn't rise fast enough for me so I decided to have some coffee ....I think it rose after I finish my coffee ....oh well tomorrow a new day

This is the regular print dress

Spotlight Items:
YoUnique Couture
YoUnique -Casee Graffiti Outfit 
this come with dress
this fit Gen X, Lara, Legacy, and Reborn
 This has a hud of 20 different texture for  this dress  also it has a hud of 10 different graffiti prints 
You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link  YoUnique Couture

 Head: Lelutka Evo Halle 4.0
Body: Legacy 1.6
Hair: HS. Mai Unit 
Shoes: KC Alexia Sneaker boots
Accessories:  Avada- Genevieve  Earrings and (B) necklace

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"


Spotlight Items:

YoUnique Couture

YoUnique -Stellea Outfit

this come with  top and skirt

this fit Lara, Legacy, Reborn,  and Waifu

 This has a hud of 20 different texture for  the top and shirt

 I'm wearing this in a coral 

You can pick this up at the Swank Event 

also check out the main store YoUnique Couture

 Head: Lelutka Evo Halle 4.0

Body: Legacy 1.6

Hair: NONNATIVE-Mamushi Bun

Shoes: KC Claire Mule

Accessories:  Avada- Genevieve  Earrings and (B) necklace

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...