Friday, November 22, 2019



I just come from getting my hair done ….she cut my hair I look in the mirror and love it ….remind me of Marilyn Monroe … I went in the closet and got this white dress I brought about a month ago ….ladies remember when you was young and you had that dress that when you turn around in circles it flaired out ….this dress remind me of that … I put on a red lip a deep red don't think they had that deep red back in Marilyn day.....and my mole that tends to move over all over my face ….laughing don't judge me.....I decided to go downtown window shopping  …..was walking downtown somehow I got lost end up on this street that didn't look familiar …..had  those 1955 old school cars and clubs …..I lean on one of the cars and had the owner yell at me when I apologize and the say forget about it laugh at his accent a little …….then I went into a club that look ancient but had a good feel about it ….Had a lady that was singing  jazz ….Ella I think …..some of the people  was dress in a some ole school outfit it must have been club policy or something  …..didn't question I walk around trying to find my way home I decided to just  tp home …. when I finally arrived home I ask the hubby  who do I remind him of...... he first said betty boop I roll my eyes ...then he  really look at me and said Dorothy Dandridge without the flower I smile ….I can get with that …..I guess this is the end of my Marilyn Monroe moment ...finally I yell baby I'm sorry I've been gone so long ….he
 look at me puzzle and said you only been gone for an hour boo …….looking at my watch ….. it had the correct date but the wrong year Nov 4, 1955  …..that's odd as I took off my watch and got dress for bed ….wonder if I make a cute Dorothy Dandridge as I lay across the bed and doze off to sleep

Lets talk about my outfit
The dress if from:Vanilla Bae Marilyn Dress for 329L now the dress come in 4 difference styles ….windy1...windy 2 ….adult and regular the good thing about the dress it come with poses when u change into different the regular and adult doesn't have pose but the adult have a hud so you can have ur man play with it wink wink
the Shoes is from: KC Couture Darcy...comes with a color hud … I brought those shoes for 79L when they first came out …...but they not really expensive the going price for them is 175L

Ok last put not least ...lets talk about he hair ….if from Doux Marilyn in B&W....and the price is 350L

Saturday, November 9, 2019



Well i decided to visit this fortune teller I saw online the other day ...had to walk a mile to get there  …….the place was weird as hell  but I man up and went in ....the fortune teller told me to have a seat so I sat...she started reading my fortune ….. ....told me something like u have the power to rule the night u can be the queen of the a vampire was my response....shes said exactly...
I look at this heifer like she was crazy ….giggle to myself  and told myself whateva

zk Mariejo Sport Body  in aspen green 268L
no match -no bla in black 150L
all items all currently at the Cosmopolitan fair

 then she told me if I wanted a glimpse in that world to take the potion.... I was thinking let me get my ass out of here this bitch straight crazy….she gave me the potion …..I shrug my shoulder ....oh ok ……. I paid her the fee of 40 dollars she requested plus tip her a couple of dollars  ….shit I was thinking u gave that  crazy bitch 40 dollars when the online ad said 20 ….I guess 20  for the reading and 20 for a value of Kool-Aid  so she got me for 40 dollars plus a tip so whos the crazy one but anyway I had a  long walk home so I start getting thirsty …..  the nearest convience store was down the street from my house and i was thirsty as hell now  … I figure ill go ahead and drink
 the kool  aid doesn't make since to have kool aid and don't drink it ..I thought what if there was some truth in what the crazy lady said...

naw im tripping now  …….so I drank it ….it had a funny taste to it but shit my ass was thirsty as hell … stomach start hurting immediately….thinking she gave me some bad Kool-Aid ….question do Kool-Aid go bad then my body started getting hot …….I stop  for a min and look at my reflexion in a store front window my eyes look green.... wait isn't my eyes hazel  and are those fangs cant be....ok ok im tripping hard now ….let me hurry up and get home ……. I don't know what happen between the fortune teller and my house …..I later woke up in my bed with a whole new outfit  on…….a crown rested on the floor beside my bed …...I was extra tired and had all  those weird flashes ….one flash I ripped a guy heart out and ate it for being a smart ass that's nasty as hell  …

..I remember drinking someone blood....I hope that didn't happen I don't know where his blood been …..and I remember stting on the throne I can get use to that one tho......crazy right ...well no more  kool aid from strangers for me  …..I wont be visiting any more fortune teller …..later that night I was resting and the hubby came in and kiss my cheek I had this overwhelming urge to bite his neck …..smh wait ....and what the hell happen to my outfit ....that cost me 600L did I get set up ….did that fortune rob me and took my clothes …..she was looking right raggedy … many weird things happen …..needless to say I wont be have any more queen of the dammed moments

Friday, November 8, 2019


Just the little things

As you know I try to stay active I decide I want to play a little basketball ….I got up and got dressed with the basketball in hand I headed for the door when I hear my hubby ask where are you going looking at him then the basketball ...I told him I'm going to shoot some hoops …..he look me up and down and said he's coming …….don't you know I had to wait another 15 mins.....ladies you  know when I'm ready to go I'm ready to go and

theme song ….I like by guy

I hate waiting …...but I waited.....we arrived at the basketball court at first we  just bounce the ball to each other ….he would shoot a hoop the toss me the ball and I would do the same …….then we decided to do some one on one …… that's when he started not playing fair ...grabbing my ass to distract me …..I start bending over so I can snatch the ball …..we had so much fun … the end of the game ...we was both tired and horny ….I really cant tell you who won the game ….even though I think I score the most point …..only thing I know is I score the biggest prize and that's him.....loving my man.....there is a thing call love and basketball.....oh and he got lucky that night 💗

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...