Monday, November 20, 2023

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"


Spotlight Item:
Pink Cherry Store
..::PC::.."Khloe" Outfit
It comes in bodysuit
This fit Legacy, Maitreya, and Reborn
This comes in Black/Blue, Green, Grey, Pink, Purple, Red, Rose, Tan,  Teal, White, and Yellow  also comes with a silver or gold chain  
Im wearing this in black and silver
You can pick this up at me main store by clicking the link PINK CHERRY STORE   

Head: Lelutka Evo Halle 3.1
Body: Legacy 1.5
Hair: Stealthic-Unfazed
 Shoes: n/a
Accessories: Avada Genevireve Earrings

Friday, November 17, 2023

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

 Broken Hearted

Have you ever felt like your heart hurt so bad it was coming out you chest.......My first heart break was my first boyfriend ....laughing I though the world going to end ......The lose of a love one .....another situation where you think your heart will never heal .....walking in on your man cheating is another heart break especially when you had no idea he was cheating......loving a man that don't reciprocate the same thing ...Finding out your man messing with your best friend.....also realizing that someone that you love don't value you the same that's male and female......all of those are examples of you feeling like the hurt will never or even like you heart has explode in you chest ......the good thing about heart break it eventually heal ........the lose of a family member it won't heal all the way but it does get better ........that's when you hold on you your faith ....and for those who don't believe in  faith ....therapy also help 

Spotlight Items:

YoUnique Couture

YoUnique -Mayr

this comes with a Jacket and Dress

this fit Erica, Gen x, Kupra, Legacy, Maitreya, and Reborn

 This has a hud of 20 different texture for the belt and dress

You can pick this up at the Swank Event by clicking the link @ Swank Event

YoUnique Couture

Ammy Ball Heel

fit Erika, Gen X, Khara, Kupra, Legacy, Maitreya, Peach, Prima, Reborn, and slink

20 different texture for the shoes 

they come with the outfit 


 Head: Lelutka Evo Halle 3.1

Body: Legacy 1.4 

Hair: Truth-Bounce

Shoes:  see above

Accessories: Avada Genevieve Earrings

Theme Song- Brandy-Broken hearted

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

Boss Chick

The definition of Boss Chick is to have the ability to own the  space your in....

Spotlight Item
Vivacious Inc. Fashion and Style
:::Vinc:::"Gina" Outfit 
outfit comes a top and pants 
fit Legacy, Kupra, Ericka, Maitreya, and Reborn
comes in black, blue, Fushsia, Mint, Orange, Pink, Purpur, Red, Rose, Silver, Teal, White and Yellow
Im wearing this is silver
You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link Vivacious Inc. Fashion and Style 

Head: Lelutka Evo Halle 3.1
Body: Legacy 1.5
Hair:  Sintiklia Hair-Jett (Silver)
 Shoe:KC- Sanna Heels
Accessories: Avada Genevieve Earrings

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...